Fabric · Life Beyond Sewing · Sewing

New Year, New Sews!

Happy New Year!

I hope the first plunge into 2022 went well with you all. I have to say, mine was… interesting, to say the least.

Starting off, my little family and I both ended 2021 and started 2022 with being sick. Yikes! I personally have managed to stay “sick-free” for years (yes, years!) so I guess because of that, of the four of us, I got hit with the worst of it. The good news: we all tested NEGATIVE for Covid. Thank you, Lord! The negative of it all was that we were obviously sick, and had to quarantine ourselves from family and loved ones. So we unfortunately missed out on celebrating the New Year with our families. It’s ok. We still remain grateful, thankful, and blessed, and humbled by 2021, despite all the challenges and setbacks the past year has brought on. I’m resolving to be more positive and hopeful that 2022 will double the joy and blessings for all of us!

This is us. Our last family photo of 2021. We were all feeling different levels of achy, sniffly, stuffy, sneezy, and just plain yucky…but we managed to make the most of it

On another note, when it comes to sewing, now that it’s a new year I want to start it off with lots of fun projects. By “fun” I mean I’ve made a little resolution to incorporate more interesting, cool prints in my future sews.

My main focus is still about dresses, but I’ve been taking lots of time just perusing fabrics here and there, and I found several prints that I just totally fell in love with. Naturally, I snatched up all the yardage I needed and I’ve been organizing and matching all my prints and patterns together so I’m ready to go!

Here is a sneak peak of some prints I have lined up and waiting to be made into something awesome:

More to come soon!


6 thoughts on “New Year, New Sews!

    1. Thank you, Mandy! I hope you are doing well so far into the New Year as well! We’ve been blessed so far with our health when it comes to Covid. Praise God! As far as sewing goes, I am on a roll thus far! 🙂 Got any new and upcoming travel plans coming up?


  1. Frist, I say to you Happy New Year! Beginning year2022 is going very well,stay safe, healthy & wealthy. God bless you. You will safe your and your family’scovid reports are negative. Thanks God. Good your job work beginning start very well .

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